» WKF Athletes Commission meets to discuss conflict in Ukraine

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WKF Athletes Commission meets to discuss conflict in Ukraine

WKF Athletes Commission meets to discuss conflict in Ukraine The Athletes’ Commission of the World Karate Federation...

05 Mart 2022
WKF Athletes Commission meets to discuss conflict in Ukraine

WKF Athletes Commission meets to discuss conflict in Ukraine

The Athletes’ Commission of the World Karate Federation today met to analyse the situation in Ukraine and the effects of the conflict on the athletes.

As the representative body of all the karate athletes, the commission discussed a common position to be presented to the WKF’s decision-making organisms.

Headed by WKF Athletes’ Commission chairman Davide Benetello and chaired by WKF President Antonio Espinós, the meeting had the commission members joining remotely, with WKF General Secretary Toshihisa Nagura and WKF CEO Sara Wolff also in attendance. Commission members Antonio Diaz of Venezuela, Douglas Brose of Brazil, Vasiliki Panetsidou of Greece, and Elisa Au of the USA participated in the meeting while Nguyen Hoang Ngan of Vietnam was absent due to health reasons and Stanislav Horuna of Ukraine could not participate due to the conflict in his country.

With the consequences of the Ukraine crisis as the main point of the agenda, the WKF representative body expressed their concerns for the wellbeing of athletes in Ukraine as procedures to safeguard all the athletes were analysed.

After a thorough discussion, the commission agreed on a common stance to be conveyed to the WKF Executive Committee in its meeting next week. A new gathering of the WKF Athletes Commission was scheduled for the coming days to discuss ways to provide special assistance to Ukrainian athletes.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“While we hope to see a return to peace as rapidly as possible, the whole Karate family is deeply concerned by the situation of all the athletes who are affected by this conflict. We would like all of them to know that they have the whole support of the WKF and the Karate family.

“Athletes are not responsible for this crisis, and they should not be held accountable for political decisions of others. It is in our hands to do our utmost to protect each one of them and we will make our best to defend their interests at all times.”





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